Kristoph Johannson
Wound Badge in Gold: 26. Sept. 1941 (Gefallen)
SS-Schutze: 6. Okt. 1940
Kristoph Johannson was born in Munich, on 6. Jun. 1918. His father was a successful doctor, and his mother a nurse.
When Kristoph was 9 years old, his father passed away leaving Kristoph with his mother. His mother re-married after several years but the loss of his father had a large impact on Kristoph's adolescence.
He was interested in music at a young age, and learned several instruments, the guitar being his favorite. Unable to find stable work as a musician, Kristoph found work in the sales industry.
After losing his high school girlfriend, Kristoph felt frustrated and alone, and decided to join the SS.
He enlisted in October of 1940, and was assigned to the SS-Totenkopf-Ersatz-Battalion, which trained new recruits as replacements for the SS-Division "Totenkopf", that had taken high casualties during the Invasion of France.
Kristoph finished his training and was assigned to 2. Kompanie/SS-Totenkopf-Infanterie-Regiment 1. under SS-Obersturmfuhrer Eduard Weber, just prior to the Invasion of Russia, known as Operation Barbarossa.
Kristoph was involved in the assault on the Stalin Line, and was involved in the heavy fighting that occured near the town of Lushno.
It was here that Kristoph Johannson was killed in action. On 26. September, Kristoph's Zug, under the command of SS-Standartenoberjunker Zoepf was cut off from the rest of the Kompanie. Although the Zug managed to fight it's way out, and rejoin the rest of the Division, it did take a high number of casualties, and one of the fatalities was Kristoph Johannson.
He was killed by an exploding shell from a Soviet T-34. His body was never recovered. He was well liked, and his death was taken particularly hard by the men of his unit.
When Kristoph was 9 years old, his father passed away leaving Kristoph with his mother. His mother re-married after several years but the loss of his father had a large impact on Kristoph's adolescence.
He was interested in music at a young age, and learned several instruments, the guitar being his favorite. Unable to find stable work as a musician, Kristoph found work in the sales industry.
After losing his high school girlfriend, Kristoph felt frustrated and alone, and decided to join the SS.
He enlisted in October of 1940, and was assigned to the SS-Totenkopf-Ersatz-Battalion, which trained new recruits as replacements for the SS-Division "Totenkopf", that had taken high casualties during the Invasion of France.
Kristoph finished his training and was assigned to 2. Kompanie/SS-Totenkopf-Infanterie-Regiment 1. under SS-Obersturmfuhrer Eduard Weber, just prior to the Invasion of Russia, known as Operation Barbarossa.
Kristoph was involved in the assault on the Stalin Line, and was involved in the heavy fighting that occured near the town of Lushno.
It was here that Kristoph Johannson was killed in action. On 26. September, Kristoph's Zug, under the command of SS-Standartenoberjunker Zoepf was cut off from the rest of the Kompanie. Although the Zug managed to fight it's way out, and rejoin the rest of the Division, it did take a high number of casualties, and one of the fatalities was Kristoph Johannson.
He was killed by an exploding shell from a Soviet T-34. His body was never recovered. He was well liked, and his death was taken particularly hard by the men of his unit.
DISCLAIMER: 2. Kompanie is a non-political organization We do not support naziism, or fascism. We are not associated with nor do we condone the actions of the Third Reich or the actual 3.SS Division.